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4 Common Flu Symptoms — and What to Do About Them

4 Common Flu Symptoms — and What to Do About Them

The flu is one of the most common viral illnesses in the United States. About 9 million Americans get the flu each year — and while many people associate it with winter, the truth is that you can catch it in any season.

Getting sick with the flu isn’t fun, but at Medical Associates Of North Texas, we’re here to help. We offer convenient appointments for acute illness in Fort Worth, Texas, so you can start feeling better faster.

Here’s how to recognize a few of the most common flu symptoms and what to do if you think you’re sick.

1. Body aches

One of the earliest and most common tell-tale flu symptoms is body aches. These aches can be particularly severe in the muscles of your back, arms, and legs, making you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck.

To help alleviate body aches, get plenty of rest and try a warm bath or a heating pad. Consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers as directed, too.

2. Fever

Fever is another common symptom of the flu. When your body is fighting off an infection, it raises your body temperature to help kill off the virus resulting in a fever.

Taking over-the-counter fever reducers can help treat fevers associated with the flu. While a mild fever usually doesn’t cause concern, a high fever can be dangerous and may require medical attention. Make sure you stay hydrated and drink plenty of clear fluids, like water.

3. Cough

A cough is a common respiratory symptom of the flu, typically caused by inflammation in your throat and lungs. Your cough may be dry or productive (meaning you bring up phlegm or mucus), and coughing can be particularly bothersome when trying to sleep.

Home remedies like using a humidifier and drinking warm liquids like tea with honey can help alleviate a cough. If you feel like you can’t stop coughing, we may recommend taking over-the-counter cough suppressants.

4. Fatigue

Last but not least, fatigue is common when you’re sick with the flu. Body aches and coughing can make it hard to get a good night’s rest, and your body uses up any extra energy to fight off the infection.

If you’re sick, take a break from strenuous activities. Prioritize rest for at least a few days or until you start feeling better.

What to do if you have the flu

If you think you might have the flu, it’s important to take steps to help prevent others from getting sick. Stay home from work or school, avoid close contact with others, and practice good hygiene, like washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough.

Most people start feeling better within a few days. But if your symptoms are severe, don’t hesitate to schedule a doctor’s appointment. We can diagnose your condition and recommend  the best course of treatment. If you’re at risk of complications, we may prescribe antiviral medications to shorten the duration of the illness.

The flu can be a miserable experience, but there’s a lot you can do to help yourself start feeling better. For more information about flu symptoms and treatment, schedule an appointment with our team at Medical Associates Of North Texas. Call us at 972-433-7178 or send us a message online today.

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